Trademark is a name or symbol used to reflect the identity of some product or service.A registered trademark gives the exclusive use of that name, providing its owner the capability:
To create “Trademark Value “(Goodwill), an active intangible for the company.
To offer licenses and franchises.
To be differentiated from competitors.
To be protected from third parties using an equal or similar name, exercising the legal actions that correspond.
To protect the internet domain name.
To impede other attempting to register similar trademarks.
To have priority over third parties wanting to register their trademarks, in countries which do not require registration
We have a team of experts, with wide experience in trademark registrations, which allows us to assure you:
Your trademark application will be filed correctly.
All processes will be performed in a timely manner.
To offer licenses and franchises.
Trade Mark Registration Agent.
You will be periodically informed about the process.
If objections arise during the process, knowledgeable professionals will be there to settle it.